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Tech Help Fridays

Tech Help Fridays; drop-in workshop, ages 14+, first Fridays in March, April, May, 3-4 p.m. @ The Hangar. Placentia Library District.

First Fridays in March, April and May
March 7: Digital Literacy 
April 4: Resumes and Cover Letters  
May 2: Canva, Excel and AI: Utilizing resources for home, school and work 
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. 
The Hangar

Get assistance for technology and computer questions with our librarians. Learn how to format a resume, get started on the computer, create an email account, use Chat GPT and other AI services, and more. Stop by with your device or learn about a selected topic.

This drop-in, basic technology use workshop is not intended for in-depth, individualized assistance. Ages 14+.